Thursday, 21 March 2013

Material & Construction Method

Figure 1: Exploded axonometric showing prefabricated steel construction and Bio-based materials
(Source: Author)


The superstructure for Zone.Zone House is mainly formed by Steel I-beam. The frame of the building is designed with consideration based on prefabricated building systems. Steel I-beams are prominently used in prefabricated building; this is because steel I-beam is easy to configure and install during the construction progress. Steel have been recognized for its strength, durability, and functionality, hence it can last throughout the whole lifespan of Zone.Zone House. Steel is relatively easier to be recycled due to its unique magnetic properties, hence at the end of the building’s lifespan, these steel I-beams can be reused or recycled.

Wood – Polylactic Acid Composite
Wood – polylactic acid composite is a combination of wood fiber and bio-plastic. Wood fiber can be harvested from recycled wood or industry timber residue, while the bio-plastic or known as polylactic acid is extracted from biomass, such as oil palm tree trunk and rice husk. Both sources of material for this composite timber are from  natural resources, which fits the concept of sustainable material. Composite timber have good workability and advantages in water resistance and is low maintenance. Similar to plastic, composite timber can be molded into desired shapes, which can reduce the possibilities of material wastage. This composite timber will be used for Zone.Zone House’s floor decking and wall panel, where all of these panels are prefabricated into modular units for the ease of transportation, installation, alteration, and material management.

Fly Ash Concrete
Fly ash concrete wall is used for the internal partition wall in Zone.Zone House, due to the high thermal mass properties of concrete. The high thermal mass helps in slowing down the heat gain process, and keep the internal spaces remain in its thermal comfort level. Concrete is commonly used in most of local construction due to its availability and is abundant in the local material industry. Fly ash concrete is a combination of fly ash, cement, aggregate and water. Fly ash is a residue from burning industry. Previously it was not used but released to the environment instead. Fly ash is now used as a replacement of cement in a certain percentage, and by doing this, indirectly the amount of fly ash that is released into the environment can be reduced.

Tempered Glass
It is the main element for double glazing glass window. The glass pane is separated by a gap of air in between, where this gap acts as a filter to reduce heat transfer across the building envelop. This allows natural light to penetrate but as for the heat it isn’t transmitted into the internal spaces. Glass is a highly recyclable material, and by the end of the building lifespan, the glass panes from the windows can be reused or recycled into various glass product. By doing this, it helps to conserve raw materials, reduce energy needed to produce new glassware and minimize the use of landfill.

Polylactic Acid Plastic
Polylactic Acid Plastic or known as PLA, is a type of plastic created by using bio based resources, such as corn starch. It is a sustainable material which has the advantages of normal plastic, such as durability, waterproof characteristics and can be molded in any shapes and desired forms. The suggested PLA in our Zone.Zone House is based on local found biomass such as oil palm tree trunk and rice husk, where both raw material is abundant in Malaysia. PLA will be the main material for our planter box modular unit. This is because of its light weight and weather-resistant properties which is advantages. PLA is very clean to recycle as well, as it turns back to its original monomer after recycling without producing any harmful byproducts.

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